Tattoo Removal: A Complete Guide To Erase Unwanted Ink (2024)

Nowadays, people frequently have tattoos on their bodies. It is a tradition for some people, and for some, it is a form of self-expression. Also, it is a famous fashion choice for people, but it is natural to get bored of having tattoos. To remove unwanted tattoos, people undergo a procedure called tattoo removal.

Some people choose laser surgeries to remove tattoos permanently, and some do tattoo removal at home. However, there are several ways to get rid of tattoos, each with its procedures and costs. For your convenience, we’ve covered every method and element of tattoo removal on this one page.

Tattoo Removal Process

Tattoo removal is a technique that reflects a combination of art, science, and personal creation; it is not just about wiping away ink. Before choosing any method, you should consult a dermatologist to ask which method is better for you because everyone has different types of skin and medical reactions.

Different Methods To Remove Tattoos

Following are some tattoo removal techniques:

1. Surgical Removal

Surgical Removal is the least common and cheap method to remove tattoos. It is only effective for small tattoos that also leave a scar on the skin after removal. In this process, tattoo numbing cream is used to numb the tattooed skin and remove the tattoo from the skin with the help of a small knife.

After this, the edges of that skin are stitched. An anti-bacterial ointment is used to heal skin and takes a few days to cure completely. One disadvantage of surgical removal is that it can infect or irritate your skin if your skin becomes more sensitive than normal.

2. Laser Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal is the most effective and time-saving method to remove tattoos quickly and safely. Only professionals utilize this tattoo removal method because it needs high concentration and accuracy. The tattoo design is broken by laser into extremely small pieces that are invisible to the human eye.

The body’s immune system eventually removes those particles. Laser treatment also varies with style, color, age, and size of the tattoo. It takes several sessions to remove a tattoo perfectly if the tattoo is old and big. Small Black-inked tattoos are easily removed in one or two sessions of the laser.

However, colorful tattoos are challenging to erase with a laser because the laser transforms the pigment in the tattoo into a black oxidized state that cannot be removed by the laser anymore. However, laser tattoo removal is not efficient for removing colored tattoos.

Laser Tattoo Removal

3. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a risky and painful method to remove tattoos from the body. In this method, a high-speed brush pencil removes a few upper layers of skin to rub inked skin. Because the tattoo is just on a few layers of skin, it is easy to remove those specific inked layers.

Moreover, it needs a high focus and experience because the brush can easily remove extra skin layers. Additionally, the skin is open and is more keen, and there is a high chance of infection and scarring. Hence, Dermabrasion is not reliable for the removal of a large tattoo.

4. Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel Tattoo Removal is a method in which different chemical agents are used to peel off the upper skin of the body part where you want to remove a tattoo. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a common chemical used in peel treatments to remove tattoos.

In this technique, the chemical liquid is applied to the skin, and once it has dried, you must carefully peel the chemical coating off. Similarly, it eliminates the delicate layer of skin. Nevertheless, the procedure is painful. Your tattoo will fade over time with this technique. And after repeated treatments, it will be gone. After the treatment, open wounds appear on the skin that require further care.

Tattoo Removal At Home

Like medical treatments, People also try different methods and techniques to remove tattoos at home. However, these methods are ineffective and dangerous for the body because proper surgical treatment is required to remove a tattoo from the skin. Our team does not recommend you try to remove the tattoo at home because it may harm your skin and leave permanent scars, hyper-pigmentation, infection, and rashes.

Nevertheless, we cover a few techniques used by those who attempt tattoo removal at home.

1. Via Neatcell Tattoo Removal Pen

One of the most famous tattoo removal home methods is the Neatcell Tattoo Removal Pen. This easy-to-use laser pen is an efficient option for home use. But is it work? Yes, it works. Further, this laser pen for tattoo removal is approved by the FDA, but it must be used with precision.

Neatcell Laser Pen has 300mm to 480mm long wavelengths that help to remove ink particles from the skin. Colored tattoos may require different wavelengths to treat skin pigmentation.

On the other side, Health professionals do not advise utilizing these less expensive at-home options like a laser. Inaccurate use may lead to harm, blistering, or depigmentation.

2. Salabrasion

In the Salabrasion method, salt or saline solution is rubbed on the skin several times to fade or remove a tattoo. It is because rubbing salt or saline on the skin increases the water levels in skin cells and on the surface of ink particles. These elements combine with scrub and cause the tattoo to fade. But if said honestly, it is not an efficient way. Moreover, it creates pain effects on tattoos.

3. Glycolic Acid

In an attempt to remove a tattoo, glycolic acid removes multiple layers of skin. After damaging many layers of skin, it becomes highly sensitive, and there is more chance of getting infected and burning effects. Users of this method usually suffer from severe chemical burns and scars.

4. Tattoo Removal Creams

Officially, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved such a cream that removes a tattoo from the skin efficiently. Many vendors provide the best tattoo removal creams with the assurance that they will get rid of tattoos, but science cannot verify this claim.

These tattoo removal creams don’t penetrate the body’s dermis layer. Only a few inked particles that are moved on the top layer cause the tattoo pattern to fade. But if you only want to blur a tattoo on your skin, you can use tattoo removal creams because it is a cheap and easy method.

Effects Of Tattoo Removal At Home

  1. Long-Lasting Scars
  2. Hyper-Pigmentation
  3. Disease Rashes
  4. Smoky Sensation

Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Yes, there are a variety of tattoo removal techniques that are effective, but laser tattoo removal techniques especially ensure the removal of any color or black tattoo from the body. Moreover, it is an expensive but safe way to get rid of old or unwanted tattoos from the body.

In laser this method, you’ll have a few sessions of laser treatment where experts put a laser on the tattooed skin to diminish the tattoo. Gradually, the tattoo disappears from the skin after a few laser sessions. And these sessions depend on the size, color, and age of your tattoo.

Tattoo Removal Before And After

Tattoo Removal Before And After Picture

Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

When it comes to removing tattoos, the level of pain you experience depends on the technique you choose. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser tattoo removal is generally less painful, especially if you use tattoo numbing cream. These creams are highly effective in numbing the tattooed skin and reducing pain. So, if you’re planning to opt for laser tattoo removal treatment, using a numbing cream beforehand can be helpful.

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

Tattoo removal treatments usually do not leave scars on the skin if the patient follows the recommended precautions. However, in some cases, depigmentation scars may appear, especially if the skin tone is darker. It is important to note that not everyone has scars after tattoo removal. With the use of high-end equipment and the help of professionals, scarring or hypo-pigmentation can be avoided.

On the other hand, when people try home remedies to get rid of tattoos from their bodies, it might create an infection or scars effect on the skin because not all methods are efficient in removing tattoos.

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

Best Option For You

Scar-free laser tattoo removal is your finest alternative if you’re a health-conscious individual who also wants to overcome infection or pigmentation concerns.

Preventing Tattoo Removal Scars (After Treatment)

After tattoo removal, there are a few simple but crucial guidelines to avoid scarring.

1. Daily Wash

Wash your skin with water from where you just removed the tattoo because your skin might have some burning sensation. So, to avoid this effect, wash it with cold water daily without any other product.

2. Do Not Rub

It’s important to avoid using your hands or soap to massage the area where you have had a tattoo removed while taking a bath. Your skin remains sensitive for a few weeks after treatment, which can increase the risk of a chemical infection.

3. Skin Care Products

Only use recommended skin products from your tattoo removal expert for a few weeks.

4. Avoid Sunshine

Try to avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight as much as possible, as it can negatively affect the skin.

How Much Does Tattoo Removal Cost?

It is a common question asked by many people how much a tattoo removal treatment costs. Well, there is not any defined answer because the cost depends on many factors of the tattoo you want to remove. Here are some of the key elements that determine the cost of the procedure.

Pricing Factors

  1. Tattoo Size
  2. Ink Color
  3. Tattoo Age
  4. Tattoo Location
  5. Tattoo Quality
  6. Skin Color
  7. Design

How Long Does Tattoo Removal Take?

Any surgical or medical procedure usually takes 10 to 12 sessions to completely diminish the tattoo from the body. In these sessions, experts gradually fade the tattoo in one of each session. In the end, the tattoo will completely disappear.

Further, These sessions also vary with the skin color, size of the tattoo, and tattoo placement area. If the tattoo is minor, it could be erased in three to four sessions, but if it’s huge, colored, or older, you’ll need to go through ten or twelve sessions.

We hope you got your answers about tattoo removal. But if you still have any queries, type your question in the comment section. We’ll answer you and help you, and don’t forget to share this guide with your friend who wants to remove their tattoos.
Stay Blessed!

Ethan William

Ethan William

Hey there! I’m Ethan, a tattoo artist with over a decade of experience in the industry. I’m here to share my knowledge and insights on tattoos, products, and procedures to help you make informed decisions and enhance your tattoo experience.

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